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Morgen wordt de cd "Alternative Press Play Volume 1" uitgebracht waarvan de opbrengsten naar The Keep A Breast Foundation gaan. Het interessante van deze CD is dat er demo versies, exclusives en moeilijk te vinden nummers op staan. Zo is bijvoorbeeld het eerste nummer van het album een demo versie van "Teeth the size of piano keys" van Chiodos.

1. Chiodos "Teeth The Size Of Piano Keys"
2. Say Anything "A Walk Through Hell" (Rare)
3. The Used "Pain" (Exclusive)
4. Gym Class Heroes "Shell Shock" (Rare)
5. Every Time I Die "Rendez-Voodoo"
6. Paramore "My Hero" (Remix)
7. As Tall As Lions "Underbelly" (Exclusive)
8. Head Automatica "Laughing At You" (Live)
9. Envy On The Coast "Tell Them That She's Not Scared" (Acoustic Exclusive)
10. Sparta "Born And Buried" (Rare)
11. The Dillinger Escape Plan "Panasonic Youth"
12. The Matches "You (Don't) Know Me" (Remix)
13. Cute Is What We Aim For "Moan" (Live)
14. Hit The Lights "Stick Up" (Exclusive)
15.Gallows "If Credit's What Matters, I'll Take Credit"(Exclusive)
16. Bayside "Dear Your Holiness" (Acoustic Exclusive)
17. Panic! At The Disco "Build God, Then We'll Talk" (Live)

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