Bonus en nieuw materiaal Kataklysm

Dit voorjaar komt het deathmetal-gezelschap Kataklysm met het nieuwe album "Prevail". Hiervan heeft de band nu een nieuwe track online gezet. Het gaat om het nummer "the chains of power".

Kataklysm vocalist Maurizio Iacono:
"The meaning behind the track "The Chains of Power" is essential. It’s a song the band wrote to give gratitude and strength to all the courageous soldiers who fight for our freedom. It doesn’t matter if you are for or against certain wars, nor the bullshit politics that are associated with these topics.
This track is about the people in the world that decide to take a chance with their lives in order to preserve our way of living. While we drink, rock out at concerts and take our daily lives for granted, some soldier is out there in the middle of a Warfield dodging bullets and bombs. This commitment and sacrifice has to be acknowledged, it’s our tribute to them and our soundtrack to give them courage. Prevail is a vast album with different faces and this is just a sample of the hammering to come...enjoy!
Bron: Nuclear Blast Newsletter

De band heeft ook bekend gemaakt dat "Prevail" uitgebracht zal worden met een bonus-DVD. Hierop zal een compleet optreden van de band te zien zijn uit december 2007.

Bonus DVD track listing:
01. Like Angels Weeping The Dark
02. As I Slither
03. In Shadows & Dust
04. Crippled and Broken
05. The Ambassador of Pain
06. Let Them Burn
07. Manipulator of Souls
08. The Resurrected
09. Face The Face of War
10. Where The Enemy Sleeps
11. The Road To Devastation

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