Ultraspank weer bij elkaar

De Amerikaanse band Ultraspank is weer bij elkaar en werkt momenteel aan een nieuw album welke later dit jaar uit zal moeten komen. Op haar Myspace laat de band het volgende weten:

"So yeah, after eight years of letting old wounds heal, other projects, and starting families (some of us), the old "Spankers" are back. Not at a full on touring every nook and cranny of the country kind of way, but in a "shit that was fun........why don't we still make music together?" kind of way. So far, some song ideas have been kicked around and Pete, Neil, Tyler (yes, Tyler, our original drummer), myself (Jerry), and Dan if we can find him, have decided to kick egos aside, grab our little nutsacks, and most importantly mend old friendships in order to bring some new music to you, the fans. We owe it as a thank you to you guys for your continuous years of faithful and undying support. There aren't a lot of you, but you fuckers just won't quit!!! I mean that in the most loving way I know how to express, which ain't much, but it comes from a very warm and fuzzy place. Anyhooooooo........
With that being said, look for new music sometime next year. Can't promise a tour, can't promise a reunion, but I can promise something new for your iPod.....or CD changer if you're still living in '98.

Ultraspank ging uit elkaar naar haar tweede album "Progress" uit 2000.

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