Tweede Paint It Black 7" aangekondigd
Paint It Black zal in augustus in 7" uitbrengen bij Fat Wreck. In een persbericht van Fat Wreck laat de band het volgende weten:
"We feel really fortunate that we’ve been able to release 3 albums that have been both exciting for us, and also well-received by the kids and the press. That being said, we can’t think of a single hardcore punk band that has released more than 3 awesome full-length records, and we’re not nearly arrogant enough to imagine that we’ll be the first band to make that happen. The 7” EP has always been the ideal context for the kind of music we play, and so we’ve decided to release music in that format for the foreseeable future. The most exciting thing about this decision is that we don’t have to wait so long to release a new record, which lets us be more spontaneous and stay more intimately connected with the kids that support our band. So to sum up, we are stoked, and we hope you are too."
Op 18 augustus komt de EP uit. Dit is niet de enige EP, want volgende week komt de al eerder aangekondigde 7" via Bridge Nine Records uit.
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