Nothingface ziet af van nieuw album

Er komt toch geen nieuw album van Nothingface. Vandaag schreef Tom Maxwell het volgende op de MySpace blog van de band:

"In the past couple weeks i've decided that i cannot move forward or continue to work with Nothingface anymore. This has nothing to do with my NF bandmates Bill Gaal or Chris Houck but directly with band vocalist Matt Holt. Its in my belief/opinion that Matt no longer has the passion, drive or artistic capabilities to continue in a musical direction. His lack of work ethic and desire to be part of the writing process or to track vocals for the music that has been written has pushed me to make the decision to not be part of NF any longer. Its a shame and i sincerely apologize to all the fans that have stood by us waiting for new music from the original lineup. I don't want to point fingers or lay blame but in fairness to myself, Bill and Chris we tried very hard with the best intentions to bring you all killer new music. Unfortunately and with regret i do not think that it's going to happen."

Bill Gaal heeft bevestigend gereageerd op deze blog. Hij geeft aan dat een reünie er niet meer in zit, maar dat het niet uitgesloten is dat leden van de band nog met elkaar zullen samenwerken in een toekomstig project.

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