Mnemic start opnames

De Denen van Mnemic zijn de studio in voor de opnames van hun vierde album getiteld "Sons of the system". Het album moet in januari uitkomen.

De band laat het volgende weten: "After a minor 2 year break from touring, we have returned to the studio, to record 15 brand new tracks. Our batteries are re-charged and we are extremely excited to let you all hear the new stuff. The material it self is a mixture of grind, rock, polyrhytmics, electronics and represents the sound of a more mature MNEMIC, at least in our humble opinion. Compared to the last album, the recordings will be kept completely on Danish soil. This time we are more within our own comfort zone, and will be working with the same dude that made us 2 great sounding albums in the past, which is none other than Tue Madsen, who is a really good friend and a great producer. The drums will be tracked at the Antfarm Studio, while guitars, bass and vocals will be immortalized at the bands." bron:

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