Morning stopt

De Nederlandse band Morning houdt ermee op. Op hun MySpace schrijft de band:

"..2010 brought and will bring us very divergent feelings. We performed at some big sold out shows, shared the stage with Stream of Passion, Trail of Tears, Epica and Lacuna Coil, toured Albania and some very cool shows with ReVamp and Autumn are coming up. Next to that we are celebrating 10 years of having our band and passion Morning. On the other hand, after these 10 years we started thinking and talking about future plans and new challenges.

With heavy hearts, we have to tell you that we decided to quit. This has not been an easy decision to make and we have thought about this for quite some time. We concluded that we have reached the point where we should take new roads, but unfortunately also part our ways... As band members and even more as close friends, the last 10 years have been a blast, and we are very proud to have been part of this great experience called Morning.

Since we want to give everyone the chance of saying goodbye, we will still play the confirmed shows and even add a final goodbye show, to celebrate 10 years of Morning and to end with a bang!

So, let's rock the stage for some more times,

De band heeft nog tot oktober enkele shows staan.

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