Metalwereld reageert geschokt op overlijden Dio, enkele reacties
Vannacht zijn al verschillende reacties gepost op het overlijden van Ronnie James Dio.
Voormalig Dio gitarist Rowan Robertson: "I am privileged to have been a part of Ronnie James Dio's life and music. His closest ones are in my thoughts."
Metallica's Lars Ulrich heeft op MySpace een brief aan Dio geschreven. Daarin schrijft hij onder andere:
"I'm kind of in shock, but I wanted you to know that you were one of the main reasons I made it onto that stage to begin with."
"It seemed so right to have you out on tour with the so-called “Big Four” since you obviously were one of the main reasons that the four bands even exist. Your ears will definitely be burning during those two weeks because all of us will be talking, reminiscing and sharing stories about how knowing you has made our lives that much better.
Ronnie, your voice impacted and empowered me, your music inspired and influenced me, and your kindness touched and moved me. Thank you."
Robb Flynn van Machine Head schrijft onder andere:
"Would I have found metal without him? Maybe. But man, I feel so very fortunate to have had Ronnie James Dio as my first guide into the awesome world of metal.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you've done for music, Ronnie.
De band Wolf schrijft:
"We are very sad this day. We have lost THE greatest, most powerful and biggest voice in hard rock and metal. For Wolf, Ronnie James Dio, was/is a great inspiration and we will always keep his voice alive listening to his music. We all met him on several occations and he was always very nice and took the time to chat about music and the world.
"You will be sadly missed. May your music live on and on forever."
Kiss heeft de volgende statement naar buiten gebracht:
"We mourn the tragic passing of the great Ronnie James Dio. In addition to his powerhouse vocal ability, Ronnie was a true gentleman who always emanated great warmth and friendship to us and everyone around him. We will miss him."
Verder hebben ook (leden van) Judas Priest, Slash, Megadeth, Anthrax, Lacuna Coil en vele andere bands laten weten geschokt te zijn door het nieuws van het overlijden van deze metal legende.
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