Showbread doet het voor niets

De band Showbread zal op 16 november het album "Who can know it?" uitbrengen als gratis download. Daarna is de band zelfs van plan op een 'gratis' tour te gaan. Bij deze tour wordt in eerste instantie zowel de band als de locatie niet betaald, maar kunnen mensen een donatie doen in een daarvoor bestemde bus. Hieronder de voorwaarden/spelregels. De band is nu opzoek naar mensen en podia die dit met hen willen opzetten.

(1) a building to host the event. The building must be adequate/appropriate to host a concert/hold an audience. it doesn't have to be tremendously huge, it can actually be relatively small within reason. There must be no danger of violating any sort of noise ordinance. There must be adequate parking for the band and concert attendees. There must be adequate power to handle a sound system, lights, etc.

(2) Showbread controls the event. Showbread requires complete control of the event for the day/evening it transpires (i.e. Showbread will decide when the event begins and ends within reason of that locations specific circumstances, Showbread will decide the order, operation and execution of the event, etc.) There will be no other bands on tour with Showbread and there will be no other bands (local or otherwise) added to the event. Showbread is planning a multimedia event that includes a performance by the band, not a traditional rock concert. Promoters looking to help host an event should view it as booking a play or ballet; they simply work to provide accommodations, they have no control or contribution to the event itself.

(3) The event is 100% free. There will be absolutely no charge for admission. Showbread will not be paid for their performance and neither will the promoter be paid for hosting the event. A donation box will be available for attendees to contribute to if/as they see fit in order to help the band pay for gas and other tour expenses. No profit will be generated from attendance.

(4) Sound. We need a PA setup adequate to handle the performance (i.e. at least three vocal microphones, instrument microphones, a mixer that can handle at least very high wattages, not the PA your band practices with, not the PA you use for house shows.)

It would be ideal to host the event in places already equipped for concerts (venues, churches, etc.) but given the unusual nature of the tour we are prepared to be as resourceful as possible.

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