Gitarist Soundgarden zegt nieuwe nummers niet onwaarschijnlijk

In een interview met CFNY-FM uit Canada heeft gitarist Kim Thayil van Soundgarden laten weten dat het erg waarschijnlijk dat de band binnenkort gaat repeteren en aan het jammer slaat en dat daaruit nieuwe nummers gaan rollen. Hij wil echter niks bevestigen. Over het ontstaan van de plannen om terug te keren met Soundgarden zegt hij:

"The band were in talks about attending to our catalogue and merchandise, which had been neglected over the past decade. We wanted an e-commerce profile and we'd never maintained the website we had, and wanted to start a new one. We wanted to take advantage of the way the market had changed — iTunes, Facebook and so on, and put out the records we always promised we'd put out. That's what started the awareness of our legacy. From there it blossomed into the suggestion that we jam together, and perhaps play a live show.

"We had a live album in the can just waiting for someone to mix it. We wanted to do B-side albums and that might be two or three albums. We'll be doing other shows and working on releasing some albums from deeper in our catalog.

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